selected works 

selected exhibitions 




One person exhibition at the former Coachwerks/ Gallery 19a -  Autumn 2021                                                                                                                                    

A good day for sitting but run, 2021. 155 x 155 cm, Acrylic paint, and pastels on canvas
Mary Louise smells of Rosemary, 2021. 80 x 170 cm, Acrylic paint on canvas

They weren’t really listening, 2021. 150 x 150 cm, Acrylic paint on canvas

Soup, 14.8 x 21 cm, Oil pastel on paper

Scoop 14.8 x 21 cm, Oil pastel on paper

Luca’s Boot, 2021. 42 x 35 x 56 cm Plaster mounted on carboard

1. A good day for sitting but run, 2021. 155 x 155 cm, Acrylic paint, and pastels on canvas

2. Mary Louise smells of Rosemary, 2021. 80 x 170 cm, Acrylic paint on canvas

10. They weren’t really listening, 2021. 150 x 150 cm, Acrylic paint on canvas

19. Remake of a boot, 2021. 95 x 72 cm, Acrylic paint and pastels on canvas

20. Luca’s Boot, 2021. 42 x 35 x 56 cm Plaster mounted on carboard and bin bags

Works on paper: 14.8 x 21 cm, Oil pastel on paper

 3. Square

4. Care

5. Soup

6. Scoop

7. Jump

8. Jim

9. Bolt

11 Jimmy

12. Spit

13. Slip

14. Shit

15. Step

16. Peak

17. Cock

18. Scoot